Wednesday, August 09, 2006

French changes to resolution rankle U.S.

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The French are caving in to the Arab world. They have no balls at all!


Tom said...

Have you ever been to France?

And I find it exceptionally ironic that you accuse somebody else of not having any balls.

Rightwing Guy said...

I will never step foot in that country. I know all I need to know about the French

lord brown mouse said...

France is part of the West ... I don't agree with all France does - or stands for, but they arn't that bad - are they?

Gunny John said...

If we ignore their direct support of Iran, and their complete lack of support of us, then I guess they aren't that bad.

I have indeed been to France. Aside from the museums, I wasn't impressed.

Tom said...

Well, the French were great in the American revolution, eh? Heck, they might have been steam rolled by the Germans, but they fought hard when they could.

But now all a sudden, the French are the problem? Lets put aside for a moment that they actually were correct about the Iraq war, the French culture pre-dates ours by, say, 10,00 years or so.. and no, they are not perfect by any means (nothing is), they are very rich in culture and opinion.

I simply find it ironic that people can be ignorant and proud of it..

The "French have no balls" line was classic. They've been fighting wars for eons, and I think they're really tired of it.

Rightwing Guy said...

you mean tired of getting defeated, they got it good in World War I until the US entered, than they got smashed and humilated in World War II, then They got slaughtered in Veitnam

Tom said...

The name Napoleon ring a bell?

Over the course of little more than a decade, the armies of France under his command fought almost every European power (often simultaneously) and acquired control of most of the western and central mainland of Europe by conquest or alliance until his disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812, followed by defeat at the Battle of Leipzig in October 1813, which led to his abdication several months later and his exile to the island of Elba.

I really don't make it a goal to defend French people.. but your simplistic opinion that was given to you is childish.

The U.S. didn't fair so hot in Vietnam either..

Tom said...

Do the history books you read have pop-ups?

lord brown mouse said...

And Napolean got beaten by the Brits in 1815, the French saved by the Brits in 1918 and again in 1945.

WWI was practically over by the time the US entered.

And in WWII, France got beaten by the Germans in the North and then the South of France switched sides. Thats why the Brits then went on to sink thei fleet to stop the NAZI's getting it.

But despite all that, the West is getting less powerful and we need to stick together and bring in countries like Russia into the fold.


lord brown mouse said...

And France is very nice...