Friday, August 11, 2006

Muslims bristle at Bush term "Islamic fascists"

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
U.S. Muslim groups criticized President Bush on Thursday for calling a foiled plot to blow up airplanes part of a "war with Islamic fascists," saying the term could inflame anti-Muslim tensions.

U.S. officials have said the plot, thwarted by Britain, to blow up several aircraft over the Atlantic bore many of the hallmarks of al Qaeda.

"We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counterproductive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group.

"We ought to take advantage of these incidents to make sure that we do not start a religious war against Islam and Muslims," he told a news conference in Washington.

"We urge him (Bush) and we urge other public officials to restrain themselves."

Awad said U.S. officials should take the lead from their British counterparts who steered clear of using what he considered inflammatory terms when they announced the arrest of more than 20 suspects in the reported plot.
Hours after the news broke, Bush said it was "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

Bush and other administration officials have used variations of the term "Islamo-fascism" on several occasions in the past to describe militant groups including al Qaeda, its allies in Iraq and Hizbollah in Lebanon.

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This is exactly the problem with the liberal leaning media bias and the overwhelming desire by those entities to be politically correct and not to offend the Muslim community, and by doing so they do us a disservice.

What President Bush said is the truth and those in the Muslim community do not want to hear it, Bush said, "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

Now those Muslim Americans who were offended by that statement can get the hell out of our country, if they cannot realize the evil the permeates within their culture and the violence that emanates from their society and the world will never be able to stop these insane and cowardly terrorist attacks.

The spokeswoman for the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles, Edina Lekovic said that, "The problem with the phrase is it attaches the religion of Islam to tyranny and fascism, rather than isolating the threat to a specific group of individuals.”

This is a total load of crap, there has to be something inherently wrong with a religion that is so commonly and regularly used to cause violence and devastation around the world and the forceful subjugation of women.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t ever remember seeing Christian fundamentalists blowing themselves up trying to kill as many innocent women and children possible or strapping bombs to their own children.

These are not the acts of a civil people, they are the acts of savages and should be treated as such, and we want to live in a world where honor killings and female genital mutilation in not an everyday occurrence as it is in the vast majority of the Muslim world.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, than guess what, it’s probably a duck. Our President has called these people what they truly are and I commend him for these actions and hope in future he continues to use such blunt language.


lord brown mouse said...

I haven't seen any Hindu, Sikh, Christian or Buddist suicide bombers or any of the followers of these religions flying planes into buildings either.

Maybe it's because their holy books don't tell them it is God's will and will get them into heaven.

Tom said...

Tim McVeigh. 'nuff said..

Rightwing Guy said...

one person, ohhhhhhh thats alot huh

Bushwack said...

ROTFLMAO, Mcveigh always comes up,
How about throwing in Manson? And all the white serial killers over the last 50 years. Then add up their victims. Total? I'll give you around 1,000 (high)
Now take 50 years of Muslim terrorists victims. Total? I'll wait.....
Still waiting??
Need a calculator????
Need some more time????
One act of an idiot who had a "Dale Gribble" view of our government vs a religion that condones and commands that you kill all infidels.
What a joke!!!

Gunny John said...

There you go trying to use common sense BW....... Liberals are immune to it; don't you know anything?

Yes tom, I labeled you a liberal, just as you've labeled me a, aw hell the list of childish names you've used is too long and too boring.....


Tom said...

Of course I'm a liberal.. duh.. You say that as if it's some sort of insult.

Any number of cultures have done some pretty horrific things over the ages.. Right now there are a lot of Islamic fundis taking their turn at it.. but ya'll insist on classifying the entire religion based on the behavior of a small minority. I understand why you do that. Ya'll think in broad terms, which is where the racist comments come from.

Doesn't change the fact that it's a really stupid point of view.. but whatever.

Gunny John said...

Yes yes, it's really stupid to point out that Islam is completely incompatible with freedom. "..but whatever." If you disagree, I'm sure you can come up with tons of references from the quran to support your argument of "..but whatever." hehehe

Tom said...

Should we look at the bible then? There are zero - count them with me - zero references to democracy in the Christian bible.

If you were to strictly interpret the old testament, we'd have to stone people to death for eating a shrimp.

All the religions have really dumb rules in them written for a different culture then we have today. That is why my point is that we need to work to reduce religious fundamentalism world wide, and in every religion, not just Islam.

lord brown mouse said...


Is there any reference for Christians hunting down and killing people of other religions in the bible, and then guarranteeing your place in heaven as a result?