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Like I'm scared of what Iran can do.

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Every person we capture says this. I don't believe it, and wouldnt care if it did happen.

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The French.

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Aslong as they man these checkpoints and do the job, who cares.

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Time will tell if this is for real.

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This is just to funny.

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It never ends does it?

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It's about damn time.

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I doubt it, the midget is not as crazy as the Iranian President.

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It's not going to happen unless China and Russia comply.

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He did insult our troops.

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China can kiss my white Irish ass.

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I won't believe the midget until I actually see some action.

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Kerry's comments are just disgusting.
Respect, it’s a word that means many things to many different people, but it seems that the people who now call themselves Democrats have no respect for anything or anyone who does not share their extreme views.
You know the type of people I am talking about, the liberals who cannot challenge you on the issues of the day, but yet they try and attack you personally as if that’s going to save them.
You see this everyday on the daily pundit T.V. shows on cable where they constantly say how stupid the President is and that he lives in a bubble and how they would be able to run the country more effectively.
The only problem with that is that they always seem to forget to tell you exactly how they plan to achieve these goals, this is not a new habit, but one that has gone on for quite some time and the pattern is there for everyone to see.
The Democrats constantly attack the apparatus that we use to find and detect our enemy who is trying to sneak into this country and kill more innocent American lives.
They leak classified information in the hopes of cutting the legs out from our President, undermining his ability to run this country and manage a war, you do not see the Republicans applauding the death of the Patriot Act as some democrats have been known to do, nor do they vote to give a bill of rights to terrorists who are hell bent on killing us all.
They have already laid out the groundwork for their next loss, saying it will be a conspiracy perpetrated by the dastardly and maniacal Karl Rove.
In the words of President Bush,” I understand people here in Washington have already determined the outcome of the elections. As I said in my press conference the other day, I've seen it before where people start measuring the drapes in their new offices before the vote has been counted -- in other words, they're taking the people's vote for granted.”
He also went on to say,” All I can tell you is what I see: I see enthusiasm amongst Republicans, I see candidates who are saying, vote for me, I will work to make sure America doesn't get attacked again. And I'm seeing candidates saying, I understand that if we run up your taxes like the Democrats do, it's going to hurt this economy, and so we'll keep your taxes low.”
They have given every reason why they might loss, faulty voting machines, people disenfranchised, Karl Rove, and so on, but it’s curious that Nancy Pelosi has not been heard from, why are they hiding her?
Most likely it is to hide the fact that she has repeatedly voted to raise taxes, she voted against the creation of the Dept of Homeland Security and she will also open up the way for extreme liberal Congressional Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) to have all the room necessary to conduct endless investigations into the war in Iraq and the impeachment of the President during a time of war.
Now, I well know that the Republicans are not perfect, far from it, but when you look at what the Democrats say, such as, “We need to have a dialogue with the enemy, and resolve this peacefully”, and these are terrorists who cut of innocent people’s heads.
You cannot talk to people who want to cut your damn head off, when will you people come to this very simple and rationally conclusion?
They want you to bow to Islam not make peace and play nice, one thing you Democrats, when showing respect you must also show it to the enemy and respect the fact that they want to kill you.
To get respect, you must show respect, this is a simple lesson that the Democrats have yet to learn, but hopefully with time and a few more defeats they can come to the same conclusion.

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Like it matters to the liberal media.

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Yeah the midget has to be the tough guy.

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It's always nice to kill some terrorists.

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That's what you get when you train to kill innocent people.

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Who cares?

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In the 1940s he was a member in the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd opposed integrating the military, and filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why is he even in the Senate, the Democrats are hypocrites.

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Who cares.

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Lamont does not have a chance in hell.

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There is no way that he will win.

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Thats some of the most bullshit statements I have ever heard.

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Mark Kennedy won this debate hands down, I watched it myself and Kennedy was very good.

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God I hate the French.

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I would deny any ties to that freak too.

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Thank you very much.

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Those are what matter the most.

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They are savages, what did you expect.

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Why are we talking to these terrorist fucks.

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The religion of peace in full force here.

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Don't worry he will be dead soon enough.

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Like they are going to listen to him.

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Geez, that's a nice day soldiers.

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If they knew where it was why the fuck didn't they bomb the shit out of them?

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Sneaky little bastard.

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I never would have guessed.

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Nobody can fuck with our Navy.

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They are afriad to say "Muslims youth".

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Always such drama over there.

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Civil war is coming.

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What's the midget up to?

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No way they will disarm peacefully.

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As am I.

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Once again the Religion of peace is at it again.

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They have helped on past issues.

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I'm not worried, I believe we will win.

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Like he really needs his help.