Monday, October 02, 2006

Terrorist or Democrat You Decide.

Maybe it’s just me and maybe it’s the car accident I got into earlier tonight (Sun), but the words that have been spewing forth from the lips of Al-Qaida’s No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri sound an awful lot like most of the leading Democrats that constantly attack and harp on President Bush on daily basis.

If I didn’t know any better I would have thought this was John “treasonous” Murtha or John “all of our troops are war criminals” Kerry and it seems that the terrorists have been listening to what the Democrats have been doing and saying about our President and have repeated it piecemeal.

"Can't you be honest at least once in your life, and admit that you are a deceitful liar who intentionally deceived your nation when you drove them to war in Iraq?” said al-Zawahri.

"What you have perpetrated against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other Muslim captives in your prisons and the prisons of your slaves in Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan and elsewhere is not hidden from anyone, and we are a people who do not sleep under oppression and who do not abandon our revenge until our chests have been healed of those who have committed aggression against us," he said.

This is word for word what the strongest critics have been saying about Bush and I’m amazed that these terrorists would copy exactly what they have been saying.

Have there been mistakes in the war on terror? Yes there have been.

The plans you start out with will always have to be changed, updated and revised according to the enemy you face; no battle plan lasts long once it is actually put into effect.

I have personally not approved of element of they way they are waging this war, but then again I’m only a civilian and its not my place to tell Generals what to do.

They are the ones with the experience knowledge and that is why the wears the stars in the first place and not you or I.

While many may not like the idea, I am for torture, it is a way for our intelligence agents to get the information they need to prevent another 9/11 attack on our country.

When the Pope read a quote saying that Islam has been spread by the sword, the Muslims around the world decided to show us how much they really are “non-violent” by, burning effigies and pictures and flag.

What do the Democrats do? They blame us, very effective I would say for a bunch of liberal hippie douches.

"This charlatan Benedict brings back to our memories the speech of his predecessor charlatan Urban II in the 11th century ... in which he instigated Europeans to fight Muslims and launch the Crusades because he (Urban) claimed 'atheist Muslims, the enemies of Christ' are attacking the tomb of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him," al-Zawahri said.

"If Benedict attacked us, we will respond to his insults with good things. We will call upon him and all of the Christians to become Muslims who do not recognize the Trinity or the crucifixion," al-Zawahri said.

This only shows once again the true agenda of the Muslims, they wish to convert or kill every single last one of us.

The American sprit is strong, but unfortunately the Democrats have been trying to pick away at the foundations of this country for quite sometime.

We as a strong American people need to stand up and tell those who wish to do this country harm, both foreign and domestic, they can kiss our ass and if you are going to attack this country you are going to get a guided missile shoved right up your ass, Iran your ass is next!

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