The Ira was created with the formation of the Irish Republic in the late 1910’s and became the Irish Republican Army, when Northern Ireland was officially created in 1920, those members of the IRA who where not happy with the treaty split and continued its efforts at creating a unified and free Ireland, without England.
Yes they have killed innocent people, and yes I don’t exactly agree with it, but I do understand it to some degree.
All Ireland has wanted was to govern herself and be a united country without the influence from outside forces that has plagued most of the history of Ireland, that’s not asking too much I believe.
If you want to compare them with the terrorists we fight today, its’ going to be quite hard. First of all Israel has given lands back to the Palestinians such as in the Gaza Strip, and has moved from other areas that they had been previously occupying, such as southern Lebanon.

If England had or in the future gives back Northern Ireland to the people of Ireland, the IRA would for the most part not bother England, it would have no reason. What they are fighting for is much different than what those savages in the Middle East are fighting for.
If you want to compare the two go ahead you will only embarrass yourself. The IRA fights for Irish unity and independence.
Hamas and Hezbollah say they fight for their own people, but yet they are only for the destruction of Israel and the subjugation and death of all who do not view the world in their extreme and screwed up view.
The IRA also does not make it a practice of chopping the heads off of people and strapping bombs to innocent children.
The Irish at least have some honor, not like these savages in the Middle East.
The IRA has committed acts of murder, it has killed innocent people, it has set off bombs, and I do not debate this at all and I condemn these actions, but when was the last time you heard about the IRA exploding a massive bomb in an ice cream shop, or pulling teachers out of school and executing them right in front of their students.

Do not take this as me supporting the IRA, I’m just saying I can understand what they are doing opposed to say Hezbollah or Hamas.
Also the IRA is not trying oppressing all those who do not think the same way as them.
Ultimately terrorism in all its forms should be fought and defeated, I am just a little more worried about those savages in dirty sheets than I am about the IRA who have for the most part given up its war against Britain and embraced the political process.
This is the first in a 4 part series that I am republishing for you all to enjoy.

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Others worth a read today -
Right Truth, Perri Nelson's Website, Woman Honor Thyself, Leaning Straight Up, Planck's Constant, Don Surber, The Hill Chronicles, Third World County, Pirates Cove, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, 123beta, Right Wing Nation, Blue Star Chronicles, The Random Yak, Wake Up America, The Pink Flamingo, Is It Just Me?, Jo's Cafe, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Don Surber, bRight & Early, Stop The ACLU.
Trackbacked with-
The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 12/22/2006.
Blue Star Chronicles - A Soldier's Silent Night.
The Right Nation - Christmas 2006 [Open] Must-Read List.
Diary of the Mad Pigeon - "The Essential Pigeon" Reading List.
123beta - Merry Christmas Open Trackback Weekend.
Blue Star Chronicles - The Rape of the Duke University Lacrosse Team.
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