On Monday the highly discredited U.N. Human Rights Commission held its last meeting before being replaced by a new body.
Over the past few years it has become very clear that the Human Rights Commission was nothing but a joke. While attacking the United States at every opportunity, the countries in the commission themselves have horrid human rights records.
Sudan, Libya, Zimbabwe and Cuba are a couple of the countries that would use their position to shield themselves and others from having their performances held up to scrutiny.
The new 47-member Human Rights Council will hold its first meeting June 19 in Geneva and the U.N. General assembly will vote on new members May 9th.
The United Nations has been without real power for quite some time. Take Iraq for example, the U.N. told Saddam that if he didn't comply with the inspectors that serious consequences would happen. Of course we all know that they didn't do anything. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction, we cant expect to much, but hopefully the U.N. can actually accomplish something
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