While most Democrats are riding high from their election victory and overwhelming numbers of them support a “phased withdrawal” to begin in the next 4-6 months, John McCain has been out calling for more troops, he unlike many Democrats wants to win this war.
The Democrats continue to talk about all the violence that comes out of Iraq, but it’s kind of funny that they fail to mention that there were 16,692 murders last year in our own country which works out to be 1,391 a month.
That’s not even as bad as the rape statistic because there where 93,934 rapes last year working out to be 7,827 rapes a month, but of course you never hear about this because the Democrats are so concerned with the plight of the average Iraqi person, and of course they can even mention all of the Americans who suffer daily.
The Democrats would rather have us restore Saddam to power because at least he was able to keep that country from killing itself and people were not dying in the fashion they are now, they were just being killed by gas attacks and being tortured by Saddam and his henchman
"I believe victory is still attainable," Arizona Republican John McCain says. "But without additional combat forces we will not win this war."

"As troubling as it is, I can ask a young Marine to go back to Iraq," he said last week. "What I cannot do is ask him to return to Iraq, to risk life and limb, so that we might delay our defeat for a few months or a year. That is more to ask than patriotism requires.
"It would be immoral, and I could not do it," the former Vietnam prisoner of war added.
Don’t forget that McCain was in the service the last time the politicians cut the legs out from underneath our troops and we lost the Vietnam War because of it.
There are roughly about 140,000 soldiers in Iraq as we speak and I am completely in favor of sending in more troops, but not if they are just going to have to retreat after the Democrats try and cut and run.
All reports coming from the media suggest that the President will go forward with a plan to increase troop levels and use those troops to go after al-Sadr and his militia and help quell the violence in the capitol.

We must unleash the full might of our military and not fight such a PC war, if we were able to use our military might in its full effectiveness than this fight would have been over with some time ago, but we are saddled with reporters imbedded with our troops.
Those reporters are only causing deaths among our men because they have to think twice about their actions because the camera is there and it has cost the lives of brave soldiers.
There have been plenty of instances where the reporter’s film was used against our troops and that is only hindering us and our ability to fight this enemy and take control of the country.
They should give the Generals in Iraq the extra troops they need, than stand back and let the military do what it does best, kill people and blow shit up, for that is the way to end this conflict.

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