We have struck in the country of Somalia and have laid our enemies in their graves, just in case you had not heard, we have openly attacked the al-Qaida link Islamic forces in the southern portion of this country, which is located in the Horn of Africa.
This was the first overt military action by the United States in Somalia since it led a U.N. force that intervened in the 1990s in an effort to fight famine and the genocide that was taking place under the warlords.
The mission led to clashes between U.N. forces and Somali warlords, including the battle which was extensively chronicled in the book and movie "Black Hawk Down," that killed 18 U.S. soldiers in 1993.

"He is also concerned about the impact this would have on the civilian population in southern Somalia and regrets the reported loss of civilian lives," she said.
"Nobody can exactly explain what is going on inside these forested areas," the Somali commander said. "However, we are receiving reports that most of the Islamist fighters have died and the rest would be captured soon."
In Washington on Tuesday, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman spoke of an attack in southern Somalia, but would not confirm any of the details or say whether any al-Qaida militants were killed, but I’m optimistic that we have killed many.
The assault was based on intelligence "that led us to believe we had principal al-Qaida leaders in an area where we could identify them and take action against them," Whitman said.
In addition to the AC-130 gunship, which is armed with a 105mm howitzer that fires out the side of the aircraft as well as other massive guns, the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower was deployed off the coast of Somalia.

"There's a lot of water to cover and with four ships, that doesn't always do it," said U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown of the Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet. "But the air assets on the Eisenhower can extend the capabilities of those ships."
"The Americans had a right to carry out the air strikes on some Al-Qaeda members," Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed told reporters at a news conference Tuesday after a US military gunship attacked several positions in southern Somalia on Monday.
"Those who carried out attacks on the US embassy in Kenya and Tanzania were there, so it was the right thing and the right time to carry out such strikes," he said.

We have these savages on the run and we should not fail to take advantage of the initiative gained by these attacks and sit back waiting and letting them regroup, we must destroy them now.
This is a problem that has been festering for quite some and the worthless United Nations has refused to do anything while the Islamic Courts were allowed to spread all over the country, than they decried the action taken by the internationally recognized Somali government to regain lost territory.
This is just one aspect of the war on terror, one that the Democrats and liberals have been attacking from the outset, they also believe that Bush and our troops are trying to disrupt the “diplomatic process” that has worked so great in the past, talk about a joke.

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Perri Nelson's Website, third world county, Big Dog's Weblog, Right Truth, basil's blog, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Dumb Ox News, Pursuing Holiness, Right Voices, Woman Honor Thyself, Don Surber, 123beta, The Random Yak, Outside the Beltway, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, The HILL Chronicles, Conservative Cat, and stikNstein... has no mercy.
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